Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who's the Wack Job - Palin or Me?

I've always kinda liked McCain. I'd been considering him for a long while, and willing to make some concessions to do so. No one candidate s perfect, there will always be some give and take.

But Palin is too much of a freaking wack job to take. I can't even consider him anymore. Let's keep her as far from American policy as possible. How about, um, Alaska.

So all this makes me wonder, if the only candidate you can ever agree with 100% is yourself; would I ever consider some sort of elected job?

I think I actually would. My problem is a religious one. Or rather most everyone else's is a religious one. What are the chances of any city, state or national seat electing an atheist or agnostic in this day in age?

I think the only well known examples would be some of the founding fathers. Jefferson, Franklin... just my favorite ones. Not that every atheist has been a good leader, that would be arrogantly foolish to say. Even so, I did feel a little smug after watching Religulous (though it would never live up to the standards of an objective documentary).

I think a little more separation of church and elected official would do the country some good. And I think I'm more tolerant than your average believer, so why not pick someone who, although outside of every religion is more inclusive of all religions? Someone who will question everything; considering all views, rather than taking anything on faith.

And the next thing to figure out is what positions are more or less likely to be resistant to the idea? One the more local scale, you're less likely to influence big policies like abortion. But on the city level I'd more likely to have an influence on prayer in schools and the like.

I'd have less of an automatic base by not aligning with anyone. And one might also assume that I'm purely anti-religion. On the larger scale of a national level, that might be washed out by the shear variety of voter; especially if my opponent were aligned with a minority sect.

And which party? At first glance it seem obvious to go for Libertarian... but they're too small and out there to be practical. It has to be the Elephant or the Donkey. Democrats come up next, and would be most probable - but I'd certainly veer from the party on some big issues. I'd consider the Republican party equally to the Democratic party if it weren't for the way they rely on their religious base - which is ironic, because America used to think of the Democrats when you thought of religion in politics.

Is it crazy? If Massachusetts can elect a Republican Mormon born in Michigan to Governor... then I just might have a shot.

Do you think they would let me play the Imperial March at my inauguration?

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