Saturday, October 18, 2008

Travel miscellania

My accidental and best new travel tip is this: Bring your old underwear. That way you can throw them out as you go, in order to make room for your purchases.

Is it just me, or does the first character in "China" look an awful lot like the symbol on the suit from the Greatest American Hero?

So we need to ask ourselves, just how American was this guy? Don't let the blonde curls fool you. Underneath that goofy American exterior beats a Maoist heart!


So I really rather like the tradition of ordering a bunch of dishes, and sharing them around the table. It makes socializing with strangers very easy. It give you lots of opportunities to make faces over the yummy and disgusting.

But at such tables, there is usually a lazy susan, on which I'm always looking for the antidote to the posion that the Shanghai crime boss just fed me. I really hope there's a big raft in the airplane back to USA.

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